Are you looking to lower your monthly energy bills and increase appliance efficiency within your home? When it comes to heating and air conditioning, replacing the thermostat can help save you money while reaching your goals. With the latest smart thermostats on the market, there’s significant value in replacing your old one with a new, more efficient option. Before going ahead and replacing your old thermostat, it is best to understand what will change.

The Real Value Behind a Smart Thermostat 

In the past, mercury and digital thermostats were the standard and have become incorporated into many homes and businesses. Since the mercury thermostat dates back earlier than that of the digital and the technology is not as advanced, the temperature readings are not always accurate. With digital units, they have become more reliable, but nothing compares to the flexibility and intuitive nature of smart thermostats.

Save Money

Sensible Scheduling 

Many smart thermostats allow for your schedule. They can recognize when you are and are not normally home and incorporate that data as well as temperature preferences into the system. That way, the air conditioning is not running when no one is home, and it is not too cold for your liking either. With it being used less often, less maintenance is often required too.

Remote Control Features

Besides having a thermostat that understands your schedule and may sense when someone is or is not in the house (or business), many are able to be controlled remotely. With that in mind, when forgetting to alter the thermostat before leaving, it is an easy fix by simply changing it in the corresponding mobile app. That way, the energy usage is being kept at an efficient level, in turn keeping the monthly bill low.

Additional Insight 

With your older thermostats, minimal data is available in comparison to the average smart thermostat. With newer units, you may even be made aware of when a filter needs to be cleaned or replaced. If there are any issues, it is highly likely that it will be communicated to you clearly, whereas, with a more traditional unit, you may just have to look for the signs that it is no longer working properly. With the smart thermostat, you have extra peace of mind, knowing when it is working well versus when it is time to contact our team for assistance.

When Should I Change the Thermostat? 

Since it is cost-effective in the long run to switch to a smart thermostat, there’s no better time than now! If you have found one on your own and you are ready to replace your old one, here’s a handful of quick steps for replacing a thermostat:

Power off your HVAC system.

Prior to doing anything with the current unit, power must be turned off through the electrical panel. Then, you can proceed to the next step.

Remove the prior thermostat face.

Once done, check that the new thermostat does not exceed the voltage of your current circuit. This can be determined once the face is removed.

Separate and loop the wires.

Before doing so, take a photo of all wires showing placement, so they can be matched up accordingly with the new base. Also, make sure the wires are compatible with the new thermostat.

Remove the old base plate.

Be sure to unscrew wires from terminals beforehand and ensure they are loose. Once you have removed the old plate, make sure the new base covers old spaces. If it doesn’t, you can use a trim plate.

Attach your new thermostat base.

Screw the base into the wall, and use the level to make sure it is straight as it goes in.

Connect the wires to the appropriate places on the mounting plate.

On some thermostats, this can be achieved by pressing down with pliers. With others, they may need to be screwed into place, or the button may need to be pushed down for the wire to be inserted into the terminal. Others may allow for the wires to click into place.

Mount the thermostat. 

Snap into place. Then, the power can be restored.

Please note that installation instructions may vary slightly depending on the thermostat model removed and to be installed. For further, expert assistance, please contact our specialists for any of your thermostat, heating, ventilation, plumbing, electrical, or air conditioning service needs in Salt Lake City, Utah.