The Important Rules of a Zoned System Design

In order to make designing systems simple, here are six rules we teach everyone to get it done in a breeze. These guidelines should be followed as much as possible when designing a zoned system for the grouping of rooms.

  1. Make sure your zones do not combine floors. Since cold air settles and hot air rises, you will find yourself in trouble in the end. You will end up with customers that are either too hot or too cold.
  2. Do not zone rooms or floors of different types of construction together. New additions, for example, should have their own heating and cooling controls, as they will react differently to temperature changes because of newer and better insulation. Newer construction will either be hotter or cooler.
  3. Zoning internal rooms with others that have an outside wall parameter is never a good idea. Internal rooms should be grouped together as much as possible. They usually are insulated differently and react accordingly to temperature.
  4. The rooms and areas that are used the most should be the location for all thermostats. If a customer requests to have one place in the hallway, make sure that they really are going to be doing most of their living in the hallway.
  5. It is a good idea not to group rooms together from the coolest and warmest parts of the house. For example, the east side of the house that gets heave sun shouldn’t be grouped with the west side of the house
  6. Try, when possible, to install two registers per zone area as much as possible. It will keep airflow at a constant and will work even if one is accidentally covered for a while.

It may not be possible for you to follow every rule listed here. Considering them will, however, help you prevent a whole lot of trouble along the way.