Using the Thermostat Intelligently to Save Money

As a homeowner, you’re always looking for ways to lower your utility bills. Here’s a fun fact many haven’t realized, though: You can actually do this through some smart usage of your thermostat. At Whipple Service Champions, part of our air conditioning service includes keeping you in the loop! This means informing you of basic […]


HVAC Tips for Summer

Is the heat of Summer weighing down on your bills? We’ve got you covered! We have compiled a list of ways to take the pressure off your bills this summer! Smart Thermostats: The first and arguably best method of keeping your bills and temperature low is to invest in a smart thermostat. The evolution of […]


Signs Old Plumbing Needs Repairs

At Whipple Service Champions, we’re proud to provide the highest quality plumbing repair services available. Our staff can help you identify harmful issues within your system, and can help with all repairs or replacements that become necessary. In many cases, simple age and wear and tear are what necessitate various plumbing repairs. Here are some […]